The department has the following laboratories to meet the requirements of CSE and other branches like IT,ECE, EEE. All the laboratories in the department are well equipped with the latest software’s and technologies so as to provide required infrastructures to carry in-house projects for final year students as well as R&D activities.
- Advanced Data Structures Lab
- IT Workshop(Including Sci Lab)
- Object Oriented Programming Through Java Lab
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
- Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming Lab
- Database Management Systems Lab
- Operating Systems Lab
- Computer Networks Lab
- Artificial Intelligence Lab
- Web Technologies Lab
- Software Engineering Lab
- Advanced English Communication Skills Lab
- Mobile Application Development and Compiler Design Lab
- Computer Networks and Cloud Computing Lab
- Machine Learning Lab
- Cryptography and Network Security Lab
- Internet of Things Lab
- Advanced Algorithms Lab
- Digital Forensics Lab
- Data Analytics Lab
- Parallel Computing Lab