To foster an environment of open inquiry and academic freedom in which individuals can pursue scholarly activities .
Adopting proactive mechanisms which promote and encourage research. It has an organizational structure at departmental levels that encourages younger faculty and students to involve in active research.
- Each department is divided into groups as per various specializations Along with the senior Professor, a few other senior faculty of that division act as Lead Faculty and act as mentors to other faculty of that division and guide them in their academic pursuits.
- UG & PG students are encouraged to take up research oriented projects for dissertation. The students are financially supported to attend/participate in conferences and present their research work.
- The faculty are encouraged to register for Ph.D. through external registrations in IITs and other universities. Incentives in the form of sabbatical/study/special leaves are provided to the faculty pursuing Ph.D.
- Research is promoted by providing (i) Seed money to the faculty to carry out research, (ii) sanctioning money for publishing in journals and (iii) attending/ organizing conferences .
- College makes efforts for renewal of recognition as a Research Centre by SIRO, Directorate of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).
- Interdisciplinary research is promoted among various departments.
- College is looking for collaboration with leading National/International Institutes / Industries to strengthen research and developmental activity.
- Offering monetary benefits to faculty involved in consultancy as per the college norms.
- Providing necessary support to faculty to visit industries to work on specialized areas as per the demands of industries.
Vision for next 10 years in R&D
- To Establish Multi-disciplinary Advanced Research & Development Centre in Engineering Sciences and to create trained man power.
- To establish strong linkages with Industries to work in specialized areas in meeting their needs.
- To arrange internships to the students in industries to gain industrial experience.
- To motivate faculty members to visit leading industries to work on industrial problems as part of R&D at the college.