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There shall be a project, which the student shall carryout in final year second semester. There shall be three reviews, one at the end of the fourth week, another at the end of the ninth week and third at the end of the fourteenth week. The reviews shall be conducted and evaluated by an internal project review committee. The committee shall consist of Head of the Department, the supervisor allocated for the project, and two Professors /AssocProfessors of the department. Each review shall be evaluated for thirty (30) marks and average of all three reviews shall constitute CIE of thirty (30) marks. Project carried out shall be submitted in a dissertation form, and a presentation of the same shall be made before a final examination committee consisting of Head of the Department, the supervisor and an external examiner, appointed by the chief superintendent of examinations, selected from a panel of examiners suggested by the chairperson, BoS, which evaluates it for seventy (70) marks.